51th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Tropical Medicine, Parasitology and Migration Medicine

“IT goes tropics”

In Kooperation mit dem Biologiezentrum Linz

This year our meeting, which is scheduled from November 16th to 18th, 2017, will be held in Linz, the capital of Upper Austria. We were able to inspire Dr. Fritz Gusenleitner, head of the Department for Natural Sciences/Entomology Collections at the Center for Biology in Linz to host our conference in this wonderful town.

The scientific program will cover a diversity of topics, including parasitology, tropical medicine, microbiology and travel medicine and will give opportunity to researchers to present their last scientific results. The meeting is open for submission of presentations in any aspect of tropical medicine, parasitology and migration medicine. And we particularly encourage young researchers and scientists to submit their work. Additionally we will visit the „deep space“ in the  „ars electronica center“ for an amazing journey. https://www.aec.at/center/en/

Diesjähriger Junior-Award an Martin Heidinger:  JuniorAward2017_1


Further information:programm2017Aktuell

Please register for the conference by using this form: conference17registration

If you want to submit an abstract for oral or poster presentation please use: AbstractDummy

you can submit both to office@nulloegtpm.at

Here are some examples for hotels/accomodations: Hotels